Check out some opinions that got some press... as well as a little bit of notoriety. 
(Click photos to link to articles)

An article featuring the NY Loves U project we created that helped raise over $10,000 to get PPE to the first responders who needed it at the beginning of Covid-19.

Trish interviewed Susan for Swaay Media to get a female perspective on ageism in advertising.
Trish was on a panel at the One Club speaking about how difficult it was to be a mother in advertising. A reporter in the audience asked her to share her experience in this article.
Working Not Working interviewed Susan and her Over30Under30 co-writer, Rob Rooney, for a featured piece in their online mag.
Just one of the many articles written about Susan's campaign for Kevin Bacon and the American Egg Board.
More than a few publications took notice when Susan and her team helped create something emotional for Olive Garden.

Some buzz for an "indoor photo park" activation for Canon.
Susan was quoted in this piece on 2nd skill, a super-innovative idea to help combat ageism from the folks at One Club.
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