Citizen tapped us to act as their agency (of 2, plus a producer) to launch their new smartwatch, from scratch. We didn’t have Apple’s budget (or even a fraction of it), but we did have a whole lot of smart people who wanted some attention--and who knew in such a crowded market, our messaging needed to be sharp. Our very first round led to the strategy: A smarter smart watch.
How does the CZ Smartwatch make you smarter, too?  
We created this OLV to help explain in an eye-catching way in just 30 seconds.  
Our whole new look, feel and voice for the brand really came to life in print and online content.
Each gradient was created to match a person's unique Chronotype, 
a nod to the one of the watch's most exciting features..
Citizen needed to convince the crowds at CES why they should care about the launch another smartwatch. We created this on-site sizzle video to articulate it in a simple, curiosity-piquing way. In the end, we helped get the brand the attention it craved—in tech publications like CNET, Gizmodo, TechCrunch, and Wired, among many more.
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